i-Scan for Pre-Developed Areas
(Suitable for developers & construction companies)
Sample Report
i-Scan is using the state-of-the-art drone and image processing techniques to provide an attractive solution for developers who want to minimize risk while maximizing return of investment on their development projects.
With i-Scan for Pre-Developed Areas, i-Environ creates a flight plan and launches a drone to perform aerial surveys with a wider view and at different perspective for land developers. It is not just aerial pictures or videos, the data collected by drone will be then processed into the desired deliverables with accurate measurements such as: |
Accurate 3D terrain models |
Environmental analysis |
Accurate contour maps |
Surface assessment for drainage modeling |
Earthwork volume calculations |
High altitude views of tall buildings |
Elevation mapping |
Panoramic images for marketing purposes
Services offered in i-Scan for Pre Developed Areas include Bidding and Investigation Phase, Design Phase, On-site construction progress and Handover & maintenance. |
Using Drones for Construction Site Inspection
Site inspection is a time-consuming, labor intensive and high risk work. It can be very costly and yet ineffective, depending on the complexity of the site conditions and the accessibility of the areas or structures under observation. We provide professional drone services that enable you to collect, store, combine and analyze high resolution aerial images for project monitoring and tracking. This is a safer, faster and more cost effective way for site inspections.
Benefits of using Drone for Site Inspection:

Safer : Site inspection can be a dangerous task as the construction sites are prone to landslides, structural instabilities and other industrial risks. By using drones, one may collect high-quality data without putting any personnel at risk.
Faster : A drone typically takes less than 2 hours to complete a thorough and high quality site inspection, whereas the same job would have taken days by human workers.
Cost Effective : Site inspection can be very costly and labor intensive if the site is large, complex and difficult to access. On the other hand, drone can be programmed to perform regular inspection and collect detailed data by just 1-2 operators.
Efficient Project Tracking : Using drone allows you to instantly monitor the earthwork progress, perform analysis and make swift decision. In construction industry, this is very crucial for keeping the project on-track and on-budget. Depending on your mission objective, we can configure our drones and on-board sensors to suit your specific requirements. Detailed images that are essential for analysis can easily be captured. It is an efficient way for pre-construction survey, asset management, and earthwork progress tracking.

Pre-construction Survey
With the high resolution aerial images, we provide a detailed site topography map for construction project team to perform land condition survey, environmental impact assessment, and overall project planning.
Asset Management
Drone can be used to identify building materials, equipment, temporary roads, and critical structures. These data are timestamped and geo-tagged for each flight, and stored in a secure cloud server for asset management.
Earthwork Progress Tracking
In a construction project, it is very crucial to ensure the project is on-track and on-budget. We provide daily or weekly tracking report on construction progress, cut and fill volume measurement, road surface profiling, slope condition analysis, structural health analysis and more.